Dragon's Heart Guitar Picks at the Fort Worth Guitar Show
/A little over a week ago we got the chance to setup at the Fort Worth Guitar Show. We met a lot of great players and a lot of great vendors; and I wanted to take a quick moment to share a little of my experience. If you would like to watch the video, you can view it on YouTube by clicking here.
The C. Whitney Guitars Family. From left to right: Justin, Kelli, John, Corey, Tim, Jessica, and Elizabeth.
First off, I have to thank Scott Dyson from Competition Music for hosting and putting the whole thing together. We had a lot of fun and I look forward to going to next year's show. We really had a great show. We sold a lot of picks and I even gave away a couple dozen of them.
Guitars, guitars, and more guitars... and a mandolin.
Also, I have to talk about The Texas Music Factory. If you live in the DFW area and you are looking for a place to rehearse, record, or take lessons. This is the place you absolutely must check out. They had a wonderful display and some really great, friendly people. You can check them out online at www.texasmusicfactory.com.
Corey W. with Duane (Owner of The Texas Music Factory)
Next, I'm exited to tell you all about Adrian Garza. He was one of the performers at the show and I have to say that I was really impressed. He did two solo acoustic sets. Even though it was a one man show, his creative use of samples, loops, and effects made it feel like there was a whole band playing. Combine that with his outstanding skills on the guitar, his passionate vocals, and his charismatic stage presence; he re-defines what a solo acoustic act can really be. Please check him out on Facebook or check out his band at mixvibeband.com. Also, you can see a video of some his performance at show on YouTube by clicking here.
Corey W. with Adrian Garza (Solo artist and member of The Mix Vibe Band)
This next bit is about a Rusty Bickford and The Trem King Fixed Bridge Vibrato. I encountered Rusty at the Dallas Guitar Show and he showed me The Trem King. I was lucky enough to get a table right next to Rusty's for this show. I'm not going to go into great detail about the Trem King but I will say that before I found this little gem of trem, I was working on some guitar bridge designs of my own. For me the Trem King is the answer to what has really been lacking in tremolo bridge guitars. I bought one of these for one of my guitars and had Rusty install it. I couldn't be more impressed. You can check them out at tremking.com or you can watch Rusty explain the Trem King in the video I made of the show on YouTube by clicking here.
Corey W. with Rusty Bickford of Tradition Guitars and Trem King Fixed Bridge Vibrato
This next guy can only be found at local guitar shows and, if you are lucky enough to see him at one, you really should take the time to check out his gear. I'm talking about David Adams of Our Fathers Instruments. He is a really friendly guy and he has an impressive array of instruments and other gear. He's got a great display and shouldn't be hard to find.
Corey W. with David Adams of Our Fathers Instruments.
Finally, I have mention Thomas Van Hoose of Van Hoose Vintage Instruments. Thomas is great and he has some really great guitars. You can check them out at vanhoosevintage.com.
Corey W. with Thomas of Van Hoose Vintage Instruments
That's all for this entry. Thanks for reading:)
Corey W.