The Best Guitar Pick for Rock



Rock 'n' roll! Loud guitars, flailing hair, cheap booze & stories you'll never tell your future children about.  As guitar players, most of us started at the same place.  Standing in the mirror, holding a tennis racket while giving the "metal horns" & imagining the crowd basking in our glory.  Great work if you can get it but even the coolest rocker needed to learn the basics before they attained limo status.

If you don't know who this is you better axe somebody.  Pun intended.

If you don't know who this is you better axe somebody.  Pun intended.

In this case we're talking about your choice of guitar pick.  Pick choice helps your ability to recreate that sound in your head.  If you look into different genres of music, you will notice that pick choice often varies per genre.  Since we're talking specifically about Rock music in this article, we'll focus on pick choice for electric guitars.

I LOVE ROCK 'N' ROLL.... but what is it?

Rock of course has more variation than most other genres.  Do you want to sound more like The Eagles or ZZ Top?  Are you a strummer like many Punk rockers or a picker more akin to Jimmy Page?  Trying to get the best of both worlds is a trial & error process with most picks, but the design of the Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick gives you three distinctly different, optimized edges allowing you to perform a wide variety of techniques and transition between those techniques easily.  If I had to choose one Dragon's Heart model as the best for rock I would have to go with the Hardened.  I am very much a rock player and the Hardened Dragon's Heart is the one that I use.

Any really heavy rock type music will benefit from a stiff, heavy gauge pick.  Your attack is helped or hampered by pick choice.  Attack is basically a combination of your own picking technique and your pick choice.  It's a reflection of who you are as a player & also a useful tool to get across whatever mood you're trying to create. A stiffer pick helps with accuracy but will also really push that signal through your pickups to provide the heaviness you're after.  A nice "sweep" technique is hard to do with a flimsy pick while a heavier gauge provides that reinforcement needed for clarity and speed.  This is where the Dragon's Heart Guitar pick comes in to play.  The stiffness and thickness contribute to its accuracy and the beveled edge provides smooth, swift glide over the strings. Your pick "attack" 


 Not the kind of attack we were talking about.

 Not the kind of attack we were talking about.

Is the Hardened Dragon's Heart the best guitar pick for rock?  Only you can decide what is best for you and your style.  I will, however, finish this article by pointing out that I play many varied styles of rock and the Hardened Dragon's Heart is the only pick I use.  The Dragon's Heart has also been embraced by many other players across all genres of music.  

Also... the Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick does go to 11.


                                                                                                       "Goes to 11" amp mod. 

What other rock guitarists think...

Using it like a standard pick is pretty easy, even for players used to standard medium weight picks. The beveled edge offers plenty of attack and the heart “half” is great for rhythm styles, while the “horn” side offers up hyper accurate attack for both shred masters and jazz boppers.
— Performer Magazine
A really surprising pick, has the perfect size and thickness.
Its three areas of attack are great, but I liked the rounded area to play chords, slides across the strings in a very nice and precise.
I like to play a bit of everything, Blues, Jazz, Rock, Heavy... and easily adapts to any situation.
In short a pick”multitasking”, very versatile and enjoyable to use.
Great job, guys of Dragon’s Heart...
— Alfredo Espinosa